Top Home Modifications for Accessibility

As we age, tasks that once came easily, like climbing the stairs or taking a shower, can become a challenge. If you or a loved one are planning to age-in-place, there are home adaptations and modifications that can help make staying at home safely a possibility. These home modifications help those with limited mobility live…

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Implementing Custom Handrails To Meet The User’s Requirements

If you are getting your house ready for a loved one to move in or modifying their home so they can age-in-place, you’ll want to consider the specific modifications needed to accommodate mobility issues. Common mobility issues can include difficulty walking, limited vision, loss of strength, and other areas that require you to make the…

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Senior-Friendly Bathroom Options

Fostering independence and safety during the private activities that come along with using the bathroom helps maintain an aging person’s dignity, and that begins by outfitting the bathroom to meet their needs. Without making the necessary adjustments to the bathroom to accommodate an aging person’s mobility needs, aging in place without outside assistance just wouldn’t…

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